Quality & HES
At Klimaoprema d.d. we have opted to align our business and strategic goals with customer focus and satisfaction. Superior quality of our products and services, dedication to environmental protection and occupational health and safety together with a preventive and proactive approach to environmental protection and conservation underpin our business and make us a reliable partner.
Klimaoprema d.d. complies with the following standards:
HRN EN ISO 9001: 2015 – Quality management systems
HRN EN ISO 14001: 2015 – Environmental management systems
HRN EN ISO 45001: 2018 – Occupational health and safety management systems
HRN EN ISO 13485: 2016 – Medical devices – Quality management systems– Requirements for regulatory purposes
HRN EN ISO 50001: 2018. – Energy management systems
At Klimaoprema d.d. we are actively and consistently dedicated to:
- Continuous compliance and advancement of all applicable principles and requirements of HRN EN ISO 9001, HRN EN ISO 14001, HRN EN ISO 45001 and HRN EN ISO 13485 standards and all principles of prudent manufacturing practices
- Continuous efficiency improvements of the task management system, including responsibilities and authorities of employees across the board and application of prioritizing methodology
- Ongoing efforts to raise employee awareness on the importance of quality, occupational health safety and environmental protection
- Cooperation with customers in order to exceed customer expectations and increase their satisfaction
- Partnership with suppliers and mutually beneficially problem solving, particularly in the context of environmental protection
- Factual approach to decision-making and risk assessments
- Keeping in step with global trends and introducing new technological solutions
- Ensuring appropriate OHS working conditions for all employees while fully complying with legislative and regulatory requirements as well as actively striving to develop a motivated, loyal and highly committed winning team
- Identifying occupational health and safety harms with risk assessments and taking protective measures for their elimination (health and safety training, protective equipment, technical procedures)
- Carrying out regular environmental assessment and introducing necessary alternative solutions and protective measures
- Investing efforts in raising environmental awareness among employees
- Preventing pollution while fully separating and managing all waste in line with national legislative requirements
We have informed all relevant stakeholders of our Quality, HES and Energy Policy, including suppliers of goods and service in order to ensure adequate standards of care aligned with responsibilities arising from joint business activities. Klimaoprema d.d. management has invested the know – how and competences to order to empower all employees with leadership instead of supervision.